La Biblia, las Arras, y el Lazo (a Hispanic Tradition)

The Bible, Coins, and Cord (La Biblia, las Arras, y el Lazo) are Hispanic traditions most often associated with Mexican weddings, although Spain, the Philippines and other Latin American countries use variations of these, as well. They are symbolic of the spiritual, physical, and emotional elements in a marriage

The Bible symbolizes the religious guidance and wise counsel for life’s decisions—the spiritual element. The thirteen coins represent the financial support and blessings for their home—the physical element. The cord signifies the union of their lives and hearts as one common destiny—the emotional element.

Bible (la Biblia)—Spiritual

After the Bride and Groom exchange their vows and rings, Sponsors, or Padrinos, bring forth a white Bible and a Rosary and place it in the hands of the Bride and Groom.

While they are holding it, the Officiant will bless the Bible, after which the Sponsors take the Bible and Rosary and sit back down.

Coins (las Arras)—Physical

The Coin Sponsors bring forth the box of coins and empty it into the Groom’s hands.

The thirteen coins are a symbol of the care that the Bride and Groom will give in order for their home to have everything it needs. The coins also are a sign of the blessings of God and all the good things they will share together.

The Officiant blesses the coins. The Groom drops the coins into the Bride’s hands and says a short vow promising to provide for the family’s needs.

The Bride responds, accepting the Groom’s gift of dedication, and promising that everything provided will be used with care for the benefit of their home and family. The Sponsors then take the coins and sit down.

Cord and Veil Ceremony – Emotional

In Filipino wedding tradition, the Cord and Veil ceremony is usually done at the end of the wedding, after the couple has been pronounced husband and wife.

The veil symbolizes living under God’s protection and being clothed as one. The Veil Sponsors, usually a male and female from each side of the family, place a white veil over the shoulders of the couple, who are traditionally kneeling.

The Officiant explains the significance of the veil, after which it is removed by the Veil Sponsors.

Finally, the Cord Sponsors place the cord in a figure eight around the shoulders of the kneeling Bride and Groom. The Officiant blesses their union, after which the Cord Sponsors remove the cord and sit down.

Forever, Together is pleased to offer this elegant wedding tradition, in both English and Spanish, at no additional cost.