Reprinted with kind permission of Judith Johnson, interfaith Wedding Officiant for over 23 years, and author of “The Wedding Ceremony Planner,” a bestselling book on wedding ceremony design.
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford
I thought it would be helpful for couples to hear from Stephanie and Jeff Padavoni of who are the best kept secret among wedding vendors. They are the #1 marketing resource for the wedding industry — teaching vendors how to effectively communicate with and serve wedding couples. They combine many years of first-hand experience as wedding planning vendors with their mastery of social media marketing savvy, and tremendous empathy for the challenges and needs of both couples and vendors.
I asked them recently for their best advice for couples on how to find the right vendors who will work together to exceed the couple’s dreams of their wedding day. Here’s what they had to say:
1. When you are hiring a vendor, you are purchasing their expertise as well as their time. And, it takes lots of time behind the scenes to create the final product.
Couples are often shocked at the price tag attached to wedding services. “But I’m only hiring you for four hours!” is a common reaction. In reality, vendors spend many hours outside your wedding day timeline on planning, communication, rehearsals, meetings, travel and all the logistics necessary to make their contribution to your day look easy and effortless. This doesn’t even take into account the necessary time and financial investment in initial training and education, as well as ongoing study and investment to keep skills sharp and equipment and offerings up to date.
Let’s take photographers as an example. According to this recent survey, the average photographer spends 65 hours invested in each wedding; when all the hours invested in a wedding are factored in, a typical wedding photographer makes an hourly wage only $37 per hour before expenses! DJs, florists, officiants, planners and other pros are in a similar situation.
Most wedding professionals are not living large on “wedding ripoffs,” a charge often lodged by the media. While the average wedding in the US costs around $25,000, a recent survey of our wedding professional audience revealed that 48% of wedding businesses make less than $25,000 in an entire YEAR.
2. If you hire an amateur for your wedding, expect an amateur result.
Wedding professionals are not a commodity item. You’re hiring a unique personality, talent and experience set. Those who charge more are often worth more, but their value is often difficult to measure in terms of dollars and cents. It is based on intangibles such as how well the vendor creates a rapport with you and seems to understand and care about your specific needs and desires. The amateurs you can hire for a dime a dozen are usually worth exactly the price you pay for them.
Sure, you might luck out and find the next undiscovered Preston Bailey for your wedding, but you’re much more likely to get sub-par performance along with that bargain price.
3. The truth about the “wedding markup.”
Much has been made of the so-called “wedding markup,” a phenomenon that occurs when secret shoppers get quoted a higher price for identical services when they are booked for a wedding as opposed to another type of event. While this certainly can occur, journalists neglect to address the very real reasons WHY this happens. The truth is that providing any service for a wedding is far more involved than a similar, non-wedding event. Wedding pros make themselves available for planning meetings, calls and consultations, and may well send hundreds of emails back and forth with a single client in the year or more of planning up to the wedding.
This type of time and attention isn’t expected or required for most non-wedding events; the time investment alone is enough to justify a higher price. The quality of wedding planning services often requires a greater degree of skill and specialization.
4. Make sure that your wedding really matters to your vendors.
Again, this is another intangible, but pay close attention to whether or not a particular vendor seems more interested in being of service to you or closing the deal. A real wedding professional knows that each and every wedding has the potential to make or break their reputation. Make sure your vendors discuss their “Plan B” with you of what they will do in the event that something goes wrong. Make sure they are tending to the details and not just giving you sweeping generalities about what they do and how they do it. The details are their responsibility for delivering on your expectations.
5. Listen to your vendors’ advice — it can save you time, money, stress and disappointment.
There is a fine line between being unique and different from other weddings and being trite or inauthentic. A seasoned vendor has seen it all and can and should tactfully temper your enthusiasm when you are crossing that fine line. What may seem clever to you may be something your vendor has seen done before with disappointing results. Trust their experience and draw upon it. Know that when they suggest changes to your dream wedding scenario it may be because they have your best interests at heart. Do take advantage of a vendor’s knowledge and experience.
6. If you only have $10,000 to spend on your wedding, don’t expect your vendors to make it look like you spent $100,000.
Weddings can be expensive, and you certainly don’t have to spend a lot of money. But if you’re going to trim your budget, don’t expect it to be a carbon copy of the Royal wedding. Great vendors share their skills and experience to help you create a wonderful wedding, but they are not magicians.
7. A “DIY” wedding usually ends up taking more time and money than hiring a professional!
There is lots of hype on wedding blogs and wedding reality TV about saving money by doing things yourself. Unfortunately, they misrepresent the details of what’s actually possible for a typical wedding with an average budget…one that doesn’t have a team of expert designers and planners working magic behind the scenes.
Wedding planning is overwhelming and stressful enough without trying to set up a craft factory in your garage to create clever favors for 200 guests or to arrange your own flowers.
If you think you’re going to save money by having the wedding in your backyard — you are heading for a rude awakening. When you add up the cost of the tent, rentals, food, alcohol, place settings and silverware, you end up spending MORE than you would hosting it in a traditional wedding venue.
8. Your wedding day will not be perfect, but a great team of vendors can make sure it’s as close as possible.
When it comes to your wedding, don’t forget that there is no such thing as a perfect wedding — something always happens that you didn’t expect or anticipate. Maybe your bridal party will be late, the weather won’t cooperate, or the guests will forget to take home those favors you agonized over.
There are simply too many details and too tight of a timeline for everything to be completely perfect. But when something goes wrong, you can relax into the moment knowing your team will be doing their best to help make it right.
8 Wedding Planning Secrets From the Insiders
Reprinted with kind permission of Judith Johnson, interfaith Wedding Officiant for over 23 years, and author of “The Wedding Ceremony Planner,” a bestselling book on wedding ceremony design.
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford
I thought it would be helpful for couples to hear from Stephanie and Jeff Padavoni of who are the best kept secret among wedding vendors. They are the #1 marketing resource for the wedding industry — teaching vendors how to effectively communicate with and serve wedding couples. They combine many years of first-hand experience as wedding planning vendors with their mastery of social media marketing savvy, and tremendous empathy for the challenges and needs of both couples and vendors.
I asked them recently for their best advice for couples on how to find the right vendors who will work together to exceed the couple’s dreams of their wedding day. Here’s what they had to say:
1. When you are hiring a vendor, you are purchasing their expertise as well as their time. And, it takes lots of time behind the scenes to create the final product.
Couples are often shocked at the price tag attached to wedding services. “But I’m only hiring you for four hours!” is a common reaction. In reality, vendors spend many hours outside your wedding day timeline on planning, communication, rehearsals, meetings, travel and all the logistics necessary to make their contribution to your day look easy and effortless. This doesn’t even take into account the necessary time and financial investment in initial training and education, as well as ongoing study and investment to keep skills sharp and equipment and offerings up to date.
Let’s take photographers as an example. According to this recent survey, the average photographer spends 65 hours invested in each wedding; when all the hours invested in a wedding are factored in, a typical wedding photographer makes an hourly wage only $37 per hour before expenses! DJs, florists, officiants, planners and other pros are in a similar situation.
Most wedding professionals are not living large on “wedding ripoffs,” a charge often lodged by the media. While the average wedding in the US costs around $25,000, a recent survey of our wedding professional audience revealed that 48% of wedding businesses make less than $25,000 in an entire YEAR.
2. If you hire an amateur for your wedding, expect an amateur result.
Wedding professionals are not a commodity item. You’re hiring a unique personality, talent and experience set. Those who charge more are often worth more, but their value is often difficult to measure in terms of dollars and cents. It is based on intangibles such as how well the vendor creates a rapport with you and seems to understand and care about your specific needs and desires. The amateurs you can hire for a dime a dozen are usually worth exactly the price you pay for them.
Sure, you might luck out and find the next undiscovered Preston Bailey for your wedding, but you’re much more likely to get sub-par performance along with that bargain price.
3. The truth about the “wedding markup.”
Much has been made of the so-called “wedding markup,” a phenomenon that occurs when secret shoppers get quoted a higher price for identical services when they are booked for a wedding as opposed to another type of event. While this certainly can occur, journalists neglect to address the very real reasons WHY this happens. The truth is that providing any service for a wedding is far more involved than a similar, non-wedding event. Wedding pros make themselves available for planning meetings, calls and consultations, and may well send hundreds of emails back and forth with a single client in the year or more of planning up to the wedding.
This type of time and attention isn’t expected or required for most non-wedding events; the time investment alone is enough to justify a higher price. The quality of wedding planning services often requires a greater degree of skill and specialization.
4. Make sure that your wedding really matters to your vendors.
Again, this is another intangible, but pay close attention to whether or not a particular vendor seems more interested in being of service to you or closing the deal. A real wedding professional knows that each and every wedding has the potential to make or break their reputation. Make sure your vendors discuss their “Plan B” with you of what they will do in the event that something goes wrong. Make sure they are tending to the details and not just giving you sweeping generalities about what they do and how they do it. The details are their responsibility for delivering on your expectations.
5. Listen to your vendors’ advice — it can save you time, money, stress and disappointment.
There is a fine line between being unique and different from other weddings and being trite or inauthentic. A seasoned vendor has seen it all and can and should tactfully temper your enthusiasm when you are crossing that fine line. What may seem clever to you may be something your vendor has seen done before with disappointing results. Trust their experience and draw upon it. Know that when they suggest changes to your dream wedding scenario it may be because they have your best interests at heart. Do take advantage of a vendor’s knowledge and experience.
6. If you only have $10,000 to spend on your wedding, don’t expect your vendors to make it look like you spent $100,000.
Weddings can be expensive, and you certainly don’t have to spend a lot of money. But if you’re going to trim your budget, don’t expect it to be a carbon copy of the Royal wedding. Great vendors share their skills and experience to help you create a wonderful wedding, but they are not magicians.
7. A “DIY” wedding usually ends up taking more time and money than hiring a professional!
There is lots of hype on wedding blogs and wedding reality TV about saving money by doing things yourself. Unfortunately, they misrepresent the details of what’s actually possible for a typical wedding with an average budget…one that doesn’t have a team of expert designers and planners working magic behind the scenes.
Wedding planning is overwhelming and stressful enough without trying to set up a craft factory in your garage to create clever favors for 200 guests or to arrange your own flowers.
If you think you’re going to save money by having the wedding in your backyard — you are heading for a rude awakening. When you add up the cost of the tent, rentals, food, alcohol, place settings and silverware, you end up spending MORE than you would hosting it in a traditional wedding venue.
8. Your wedding day will not be perfect, but a great team of vendors can make sure it’s as close as possible.
When it comes to your wedding, don’t forget that there is no such thing as a perfect wedding — something always happens that you didn’t expect or anticipate. Maybe your bridal party will be late, the weather won’t cooperate, or the guests will forget to take home those favors you agonized over.
There are simply too many details and too tight of a timeline for everything to be completely perfect. But when something goes wrong, you can relax into the moment knowing your team will be doing their best to help make it right.
A Wedding in the I.C.U.
Reprinted from Private Lives: Personal essays on the news of the world and the news of our lives.
(Note: This story was so inspirational that I felt I just had to include it on our blog.)
BOSTON — There wasn’t going to be a happy ending. The patient had metastatic cancer and had just gone through her third unsuccessful regimen of chemotherapy. Now it seemed that everywhere we looked, we found disease. An X-ray of her belly revealed an obstruction in her intestines. A CT scan of her chest uncovered a pulmonary embolism. Her labs demonstrated that she had almost no white blood cells left with which to defend herself.
When she arrived in the intensive care unit, she was delirious. I asked her the usual questions, about her medical history, and whether she wanted us to do CPR if her heart were to stop beating, but she didn’t answer. I was just setting the clipboard aside when she raised a hand and told me, in a moment of lucidity: “Doc, do everything you can. I need to make it to my daughter’s wedding.”
She was in a lot of pain. She had a tube down her nose draining her stomach.
“When is the wedding?” I asked.
“Next summer.” I blinked. I blinked again. She didn’t — she was looking right at me. At this point, I doubted she’d make it through the hospitalization, let alone eight more months. I didn’t know what I could say. I put the stethoscope against her chest and retreated into silence.
I met Stefanie, her daughter, the next morning. She was 24, but was only 8 when her mother’s cancer was first diagnosed. Stefanie’s mother had Muir-Torre syndrome, a condition that gave her a predisposition for malignancies. So Stefanie had shared her home with cancer for many years, and had always seen her mother fight.
But she knew that this time was different. The oncology fellow who had been treating her mother as an outpatient was the one to tell her that her mother was dying. Stefanie broke down, but understood there was no use denying it. The dream of a family wedding under the summer sun turned sour.
Stefanie called her fiancé that morning. Crying, she told him the news. But he flipped the fatalistic script. Without hesitation he told her, “I want her to be there, too,” and he proposed not only to have the wedding done sooner, but to have it done right there in the I.C.U.
Our team was used to dealing with all kinds of crises: Handling a last-minute wedding was not one of them. While having more than one opinion on a medical team regarding how best to manage a patient is fairly routine, we received no push back from anyone as we started to make arrangements for the wedding. Soon the whole medical team was involved. We sent a letter to the court to expedite the marriage certificate. A pastor and harp player were booked. The hospital cafeteria baked a chocolate cake, and the nurses brought in flowers. In just a few days, we were ready.
My job was to make sure our patient’s pain was controlled while also avoiding the confusion that is a side effect of narcotic medications. But almost miraculously, she didn’t need pain medications for hours and was fully aware of everything that was going on. Looking at the bride and groom from her hospital bed, she seemed more comfortable than I had seen her before. The whole day had an unreal feel to it; everything felt like it slowed down. The sun shone through the windows and glistened on the bags of fluid. For once in the hospital, there were tears but no pain. It felt as if, after all these years of chasing our patient down, even the cancer took a break.
The next morning, the family decided to transition to hospice. No intubation, no CPR — nothing that would prolong life. It was all about trying to make the patient comfortable. (And yet, four months later, she is still alive, and doing as well as can be hoped in hospice.)
In today’s outcome-driven, efficiency-obsessed medical world, it’s easy to forget that healing patients isn’t just about treating diseases and relieving symptoms. There are things doctors and nurses can do, meaningful interventions — like helping patients fulfill final goals or spend quality time with their families — that cannot be documented in a discharge summary or be converted into a blip on a screen.
As a physician, I never liked the word “miracle.” I preferred to think in terms of “medical outliers.” And yet that day of the wedding did feel like a miracle. Physicians often share their patients’ sorrow, but rarely their joys. No, we had not discovered the cure to cancer, but we felt that we had achieved something powerful — freeing, if only temporarily, our patient from her disease.
One of the nurses, smiling through her tears, spoke to me after it was all over. “It was magical,” she said. “None of the patient alarms went off.”
(Haider Javed Warraich is a resident in internal medicine at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the author of the novel “Auras of the Jinn.”)
The Blessing Stones – A Lovely and Unusual Wedding Tradition
“My wish isn’t to mean everything to everyone, but something to someone.” – Oscar Wilde
The ritual of the Blessing, or Wishing Stones, as they are sometimes called, is a wonderful way to include everyone in the wedding by way of offering blessings and good wishes to the newlyweds. It also is a good way to ensure that everyone makes contact with the Bride and Groom at some point during the day. This tradition may be performed during the actual ceremony itself (before the blessing), at the conclusion of the service (in a receiving line manner), or at the reception.
When the guests arrive at the ceremony, they are given a “Blessing Stone,” usually a round, flat and dark-colored stone, along with a small note card with words printed on it such as: `My wish for you is…” or “May you be blessed with…” or “May God bless you with…”
During the ceremony, the Officiant explains the significance of the Blessing Stones.
“We all recognize that today is a very blessed occasion in the lives of (Groom) and (Bride). You have been invited here today because of your special relationship with them. When you arrived, you received a stone along with a note card. The stones are called “Blessing Stones.”
Since we all wish nothing but the best that life has to offer this couple, I’d like to ask each of you to complete the sentence on the card and sign your name, so your best wishes and your blessings for the bride and groom may always be a reminder of your love for them on this day of celebration.”
At some point (either during or after the ceremony), the guests share their blessing or wish with the newlyweds and toss the Blessing Stone into a “Blessing Bowl,” a “Wishing Well,” or whatever vessel is used to contain the water.
After the guests have disposed of their Blessing Stones, they place their “love notes” into a basket or box for the couple to reflect on at a later time. Many couples keep the Blessing Stones in a special place in their home (a vase of flowers, around a candle, in an aquarium, etc.) to remind them of all the love, good wishes, and blessings they share because of their family and friends.
A variation of this tradition would be at an outdoor wedding near a body of water (lake, pond, ocean, etc.) or fountain. Stones are either gathered at the site or provided for the guests. After the ceremony, everyone follows the wedding party’s recessional to the water, makes a wish or blessing for the couple, and casts their stone into the water.
The Officiant then says, “The ripples that are made in the water represent the love and good wishes not only for this couple, but for all the world. For as our ripples cross and recross one another’s, so our love and good wishes touch and retouch all those around us and all those with whom we come into contact throughout our lives.” (This may also be said during an indoor ceremony).
You can be as creative as you want with this ritual. Here are some ideas:
Wedding Planning 101
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra
Planning a wedding isn’t rocket science, but it definitely requires thought, patience and, probably most importantly, a sense of humor! Wedding planning can be a lot of fun. It can also be a real challenge, and like all challenges, it can be stressful. You should assume in advance that parts of the day just won’t go as you’d like them to, and plan for every eventuality you can think of. The key is to stay organized, stay within your budget, and allow plenty of time to get it all together.
First of all, you should decide on what type of wedding you want to have. This will depend on how much you want to spend, how many guests you want to invite, where and when your ceremony and reception take place, and how much formality you want your wedding to express.
A Formal wedding usually conforms to strict traditional rites both of the church and of secular society. Generally, a formal wedding is larger both in size of wedding party and number of guests , and features more elaborate decorations, attire, invitations, and reception arrangements, than a semi-formal or informal wedding. Formal weddings generally take place in a church or dedicated wedding venue.
Semi-formal weddings usually also stay with tradition (more or less), but everything is slightly less elaborate and more flexible than a formal wedding. Semi-formal weddings often happen at a private residence or at a senior or community center.
An Informal wedding often includes a simple ceremony where you let your imagination go to work. Informal weddings normally have a smaller wedding party and fewer guests than formal or semi-formal weddings.
You should start making appointments to meet with potential vendors (including Wedding Officiant) as soon as possible after you set the wedding date and confirm the venue. You choices should have long experience working at weddings – lots of great photographers turn out to be disappointing as wedding photographers – and they should be able to answer any questions you may have concerning the style, length and content of your ceremony. They can often guide you in the selection of music, wedding customs and rituals, special vows or other non-traditional elements you would like to include in your wedding ceremony. They may also be familiar with the venue and provide insights into the best ways to decorate, where to place flower arrangements, etc.
You may decide to have your wedding ceremony in a hotel, private residence or activities club. Keep in mind that many of the items you will need probably won’t be supplied, so you will have to buy or rent them. Always check with the venue to see which items they’re willing to make available.
A home wedding can be formal or informal. Be realistic about the number of guests that your home can comfortably accommodate. Don’t move all the furniture out just to make more room or you will lose the “homey” atmosphere you were probably looking for in the first place.
If you plan an outdoor ceremony, keep in mind that the weather may not always cooperate and have an alternate location readily available. This is especially critical in Washington state weddings, where a beautiful morning can segue into a rainy afternoon with virtually no advance warning. If you’ll be getting married in a public place, such as a park or arboretum, be sure to pick a quiet spot without much auto or foot traffic or ambient noise (such as landing planes passing overhead constantly because you’re smack in the middle of the airport’s approach path!). Other things to consider: how accessible is the site; what facilities exist for guest parking and seating; and again, what equipment is available.
Work or school schedules, convenience for families, and your honeymoon plans should all be considered when you’re finalizing the date and time of your wedding. Saturday is traditionally the most popular day for weddings. Any day will work if schedules permit, but there are some good reasons to get married during the week (Mon-Thurs). More venues are usually available and vendor fees tend to be lower for weeknight weddings.
The only way to be sure all goes well is to rehearse the ceremony, but it’s not always necessary to schedule a separate day/evening for rehearsal. For small wedding parties, rehearsal an hour or so before the wedding usually works fine (and saves money). It is helpful to include the processional and recessional music if you want the pace of their steps to be timed. The ushers should also be briefed on their duties. Everyone should become familiar with the venue: where will the ceremony will be held, exits in case of emergency, rest rooms and dressing rooms for men and women.
If you do decide a separate rehearsal is necessary (for your peace of mind and to get everyone in the wedding party familiar with their function), try to schedule it for the evening before the ceremony. Allow at least an hour, and make it fun. This allows you to relax and be assured that everyone knows their job for the big day.
A rehearsal dinner often follows, and this is traditionally paid for by the groom or his family. Try to schedule it to start and end early in the evening if possible. You should be cheerful and alert on your wedding day – you don’t want to miss anything!
The Worst Wedding Ideas…Ever!
“Nothing surpasses the beauty and elegance of a bad idea.” – Craig Bruce
Planning a wedding is always a challenge, but it’s up to you to keep it together during the process. If you find yourself seriously considering any of these ideas…stand down, take a deep breath and have a latté. Don’t let your wedding turn into a cautionary tale.
1. Pyrotechnics: Pyrotechnics at a wedding are the opposite of good taste. You’re planning a wedding, not an Aerosmith concert. Lining the buffet table with road flares might improve your wedding photos…but they’re way too close to those Sterno cans keeping food warm. It’s all fun and games until someone’s hair catches fire at the roast beef carving station. A saner alternative: sparklers…outside!
2. Using an iPod playlist to DJ: Technology has come a long way since the days when DJ’s hauled crates of vinyl records to gigs, but that doesn’t mean you can, or should, DJ your own wedding from an iPod…or let a well-meaning friend do it, either. Whether you choose a band, a string quartet or a DJ, leave the music to a pros. The new world of high-tech music production is an art form best left to someone with years of experience under their belt.
3. Cash bar: It doesn’t matter how small your budget is. It doesn’t matter if the groom’s whole family is in AA. When people go to a wedding, they expect an open bar. This doesn’t mean you have to hand out personal tequila shots on the dance floor, but you should offer a reasonable array of hard liquor, as well as wine and beer. There’s a 90% chance your guests will not bring cash to a wedding, which means drink coupons and a cash bar are not an option. Even if you have to walk down the aisle in a white trash bag while the local glee club sings “Here Comes The Bride,” free liquor is non-negotiable.
4. Serenading your groom: You’ve probably seen the video of the bride who sang to her groom as she walked down the aisle. The thing is, that bride was a singer with significant talent. Unfortunately, she was also the rare exception to the rule. Unless you’re a professional singer used to performing in front of large audiences, singing to your spouse-to-be should be off limits. No matter how much you practice, the odds are it won’t come off the way you would like it to. All eyes should be on you because you look wonderful and the event is beautiful, and not because you mangle high C. Save the singing for when you and your spouse are sharing the shower.
5. Getting married on a beach during high tide: At least have the common sense to read the tide tables and know just how much beach you’re going to lose during the ceremony!
6. Taking photos on the dock: History (and YouTube) has demonstrated this is never a good idea. If anyone ends up in the water, your wedding could end up going down with them.
7. Not wearing underwear: Where do we start? Well, consider just one possible scenario: you trip while walking down the aisle and land legs-up with your wedding dress around your head. Is this really a view you want your guests to remember? And that goes for kilts, too, gentlemen…even if Christopher Lambert did look cool in “The Highlander.”
8. Letting your spouse carry you (or carrying your spouse): This is especially true in bad weather (and in case you haven’t noticed, it does tend to rain occasionally in Washington). They will drop you, no matter how much, or how often they work out. It’s a law of nature.
9. Having a hugely pregnant woman in your bridal party: We’ve all seen the photos: a beautiful bride flanked by her nearest and dearest wedding party. Among them, usually on the end, is the woman who is eight-and-a-half months pregnant and may end up giving birth while you and your spouse are cutting the cake. Talk about a thunder-stealer! Truth be told, most pregnant women don’t want to be in anyone’s wedding, not even your very best friend from grade school. They’ll nod and smile and tell you it’s an honor, but deep down they’re cursing the day they met you.
No matter when she’s due, your pregnant friend just wants to sit in the shade, hydrate and wait for the appetizers. She does not want to spend $200 on a dress that couldn’t possibly look good on her. She does not want to wear heels. She does not want to watch you and the rest of your bridal party knock back shots at the bar while she sips club soda. Give her a break. Pick someone else. Or, if you’re determined to have her participate in the wedding and she’s okay with that, just give her a short reading, after which she can sit back down.
And possibly, the very worst of the worst:
10. For a nominal fee (about $1000), you and your fiancé can re-enact a scene from a movie musical to be shown (or filmed) at your wedding. The current favorite is a montage, set to Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day” (presumably not meant to evoke the song’s role in “Trainspotting”). Be honest. Who would want to watch something like this? And, more important, how many fiancés will say, “Yes, dear,” to such a horrible idea? Sadly, the answer seems to be quite a few. Local wedding videographers are doing a brisk business. One couple (and this may be apocryphal) even cut the ceremony short to allow enough time for filming on their big day! I wonder who ends up with the DVD if the marriage tanks.
With so many tried-and-true wedding ideas that really work, have worked for generations, and really enhance the event for everyone, it pays to avoid gimmicks like those above. The odds are they’ll go wrong, and while that may make for a successful YouTube video…is this really the memory you want your guests to take away?
Why Uncle Charlie Should Not Officiate Your Wedding!
Reprinted with kind permission of Judith Johnson: Author, Speaker, Life Coach and Interfaith Minister
“If you think a professional is expensive, wait ’til you try an amateur.” ― Paul “Red” Adair
There is a popular trend these days to have a friend or family member go online to receive an ordination certificate in a matter of minutes so they can “legally” officiate at your wedding. While on the surface this might sound like a fun idea, a look below the surface reveals some really good reasons why this is NOT a good idea. As an interfaith minister who has been officiating at weddings for over twenty years now and as author of the bestselling book on wedding ceremony design, here are Judith’s three really good reasons why you should hire a seasoned professional to officiate at your ceremony.
Some states do not recognize some online ordination credentials. The last thing you want to find out after your wedding is that you are not legally married. So, tread with caution. It is the state where your ceremony takes place, not the state where you live that has jurisdiction. Just as state laws about who can get married are changing, so are the laws regarding who can officiate at weddings. Not all online ordinations are equally acceptable, so be very specific in researching what sites are and are not acceptable in your state. Keep yourself informed about any changes that occur in these laws during the course of your wedding preparations.
There are a thousand little details that add up to a great ceremony. Which ones are you willing to have overlooked? Why put someone you love in the position of being responsible for something they know nothing about? Why not let your friend or family member enjoy being a guest at your wedding instead of bearing the burden of doing something so important that they know nothing about? Unless your friend or family member happens to already be a member of the clergy, why put this responsibility on them? Most couples and the friends and/or family member they choose to officiate are clueless about what goes into designing a ceremony, running a wedding rehearsal, or officiating at the ceremony. Think about it – would you hire a band for your reception that had never played together before? Would you want your wedding to be their first gig?
There are better, safer options. A seasoned officiant knows the in’s and out’s of advising you on the logistics of your rehearsal and ceremony as well as the design of the text and the ritual itself. They can be a wealth of information and ideas to help you create the ceremony that is perfect for you. They know what works, and what doesn’t.
If you are worried about not belonging to a religious community, not wanting a stranger to officiate at your ceremony, or wanting to have control over what is said at your ceremony – no problem. There are three fabulous resources for finding the right officiant.
The first is to ask your wedding vendors. Typically, your first wedding decision is going to be your wedding date and location. Ask the wedding coordinator at your venue to share their impressions of the officiants on their preferred vendor list and to recommend the ones they think are a good match for you. Call these recommended officiants and/or make appointments to meet. Trust your instincts about who you are comfortable with, how resourceful and flexible they seem to be, and how they react to your story and wishes for your ceremony.
The second resource is to ask around among your friends. Ask your married friends who they had officiate at their ceremony? Were they pleased or not? Why? Ask friends and family if they attended any weddings where the officiant did a really good job.
Third, use regional wedding websites and major wedding websites that have regional vendor listings. Read the listings and reviews on officiants there. One of the most popular sites is
Your wedding ceremony is what your wedding day is all about. Give it the respect and attention it deserves as an expression of what crossing this threshold together really means to you. The person who officiates at your ceremony will have a lot of influence on what will hopefully become a beautiful memory for you. So, be thoughtful and careful in selecting the officiant who is right for you. Be as honest as possible about who you are and who you aren’t. If someone rejects you because they don’t share your beliefs, be glad you didn’t hire them! Just keep looking for the right match. Find someone who is happy for you, is on your wavelength, and gives you confidence that they will help you create a wedding ceremony that exceeds your biggest dreams. You deserve that!
Don’t Break the Bank! Tips to Save Money and Still Have a Perfect Wedding!
Have you ever wondered why people are willing to spend $10,000, 20,000 or even 30,000 (or more) on their wedding? As Seattle Wedding Officiants, we at Forever, Together are constantly asking ourselves the same question. When does the focus shift from the marriage (where it belongs), to the wedding? When is a wedding more about parents shelling out a fortune on glitz and glamour, then about two young people in love making a lifetime commitment? More to the point: does a $20,000 venue really offer anything different than a $2000 venue…other than status?
These are decisions more and more young couples are facing, as the price of wedding venues and vendors are on the increase, especially when their parents are footing the bill. It may be true that “no one is more important than daddy’s little girl,” but sometimes it seems that the only people who are not consulted on wedding decisions are the couple, themselves.
Forever, Together would like to make the decision to “do it yourself” a bit easier by listing some of the many creative and stylish money-saving wedding ideas we’ve come across during our six years of providing affordable Seattle weddings. Be honest: wouldn’t you really rather spend an extra weekend in Puerto Vallarta?
Remember: this is your day. Do it the way you want, invite whomever you choose, do the planning and decorating yourselves, keep on top of your expenses and don’t be afraid to break from tradition. There’s no reason you can’t have an awesome wedding without having to take out a second mortgage!
Brides get tough about social media at their wedding
by Adrienne Mand Lewin
With thanks to TODAY Style
“Nothing is more dangerous than a friend without discretion; even a prudent enemy is preferable.” – Jean de La Fontaine
Weddings might be traditional, but the way they’re celebrated these days might be anything but.
Wedding Paper Divas conducted an online survey in April among adults who had attended at least one wedding in the past year and found that four in 10 said social media was encouraged and specific hashtags were provided to guests to add their contributions. In addition, seven in 10 Twitter users report tweeting about a wedding while in attendance, and half of Twitter users say they’ve used the service to post wedding-related photos.
On the other hand, one-third of wedding guests report being asked not to use a mobile or other electronic device during the ceremony, the survey found. And despite all of the sharing, 65 percent agreed that it is important to ask the couple’s permission before posting wedding photos online, and that the couple should be the first to share the photos.
That advice comes a little too late for a bride in New York, whose engagement news was broken on Facebook — just not by her. A friend posted a cryptic message about good news, which was quickly commented on by others who already knew.
Since she and her fiancé were still trying to connect with friends and family by phone to let them know, she asked her friend to take down the post. But a few days later, the friend tagged her with a message announcing the couple’s engagement and the cat was out of the bag to some people they hadn’t reached yet.
“I know it was out of excitement and I know that it was out of love,” she said, “but it wasn’t her news to share.”
On her wedding day, she doesn’t plan to outright ban electronic devices, but added: “I can’t imagine anyone would want to tweet my wedding. I hope that people are dancing and having a good time and not worrying about their phones.”
Another bride in Pennsylvania, who plans to marry later this month, said she is fine with friends sharing photos later in the day but not before the ceremony. “It’s changed so much,” she said. “Nobody ever had to worry about this stuff. I mean, technology is good, but in this sense we still want to keep some things traditional.”
And finally, one bride in New Jersey said her June wedding will occur completely offline. “I’m a pretty private person,” she said. “I never really thought that the people that are affiliated with me would really do something like that.”
She added that while there is “no malice whatsoever,” unsanctioned posts and photos can take away some of the day’s surprises and offend those not invited. “I think it’s in poor taste.”
Amber Harrison, etiquette expert at Wedding Paper Divas, has dealt with a few frustrated clients, including a groom who saw the bride’s dress before the ceremony, thanks to an overzealous bridesmaid who snapped a photo and posted it on Facebook. “Those moments are exactly what I feel it’s my job to try to be aware of before they happen so that they can be avoided,” Harrison said.
Harrison added that it is important for couples and their guests to remember that “this hopefully is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion that we should all commemorate. But it’s a very big day, and it’s something we should just give the respect that it deserves and be present in the moment and be there for that couple in whatever they have chosen.
“There’s very little judgment here,” she said. “Let’s just start communicating the wishes.”
Indoors or Outdoors? A case for both.
“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry” – Tom Mullen
As Seattle wedding ministers, we at Forever, Together are often asked by brides whether they’re better off having their wedding indoors or outdoors. Surprisingly, after performing over 450 Seattle weddings, we find ourselves recommending both. Each option has risks, each has an up side, but in choosing your Seattle wedding venue, you should always keep in mind that, no matter where you hold your Seattle wedding, at the end you will be married!
Some little girls dream of the day they’ll get married. They plan what their wedding dress will look like. They know exactly who will be in their wedding. They ask their friends to be bridesmaids. They pick the flowers and the color schemes, and then they grow up and they get married exactly how they pictured. Other little girls don’t know what they want. They grow up to marry a handsome man that proposes. And then they realize they have a lot of planning to do for their Seattle wedding. For these women it’s tough to decide on a lot of things. One of those tough decisions is whether or not to hold the wedding at an indoor or outdoor Seattle wedding venue.
For the little girls that grew up not knowing where or how they wanted to get married, we’ve put together a blog that will talk you through some of the decision making involved in choosing between an indoor and outdoor Seattle wedding venue. There are pro’s and con’s to choosing either option, and really it comes down to risk tolerance and personal preference.
The Benefits of Using an Indoor Seattle Wedding Venue:
Holding your wedding at an indoor Seattle wedding venue ensures that you are comfortable. You have heat and/or air conditioning, an even floor and comfortable seating for all of your guests. You’re protected from inclement weather and you have easy access to rooms dedicated to the bridal party for freshening up. High heels won’t dig into the dirt or the sand, and guests won’t sweat or get rained on. Plus, there are no bugs or other unwelcome visitors to worry about. Allergies won’t be an issue, neither would sunscreen or bug repellant. Lighting would be consiten and even so your Seattle wedding photographer won’t have to keep adjusting lenses based on available light, or race the clock so as not to lose precious sunlight. This is a safe bet, and if you don’t want the stress of risking everything there is to battle with the elements then having your wedding at an indoor Seattle wedding venue is ideal.
The Benefits of Using an Outdoor Seattle Wedding Venue:
Being outdoors is extremely refreshing for some people. The sun, the trees, the grass…it helps everyone remember what really matters in life. Being that close to nature can be very relaxing and surreal. Holding a wedding at an outdoor wedding venue in the Seattle area means that you’ll have natural lighting, sounds, and smells of the earth. The sun is relaxing, and old trees, colorful flowers, and beautiful grass all add to the feel of calmness and serenity that can really help a wedding feel relaxed. If you love the outdoors or if you’re looking for a casual feel or if you just want the sunlight to be a part of your wedding day then choosing an outdoor Seattle wedding venue is for you.
The Best of Both Worlds:
Instead of having to choose between indoor and outdoor Seattle wedding venues, you could choose a venue that has both options. Some of the most popular venues in the Seattle area offer this option, including the Blue Ribbon Cooking School on Fairview, Pickering Barn in Issaquah, and The Golf Club at Newcastle. These popular Seattle wedding locations have spaces for both indoor and outdoor weddings, which means that you have a backup plan just in case it rains or you change your mind about an outdoor wedding. They offer a perfect mix of outdoor beauty and indoor elegance.
Handfasting – An Ancient Wedding Tradition
Perhaps you have wondered where the phrase, “tying the knot,” come from? The expression refers to the traditional early Celtic marriage ritual of Handfasting.
“Handfasting,” the ancient word for a wedding, was traditionally recognized as a binding contract of marriage between a man and a woman before weddings became a legal function of the government or a papal responsibility of the church. After the wedding vows and ring exchange, the couple’s hands were bound together with a cord that was tied in a “love knot,” signifying the joining of their lives in a sacred union.
Today, handfasting is a symbolic ceremony to honor a couple’s desire for commitment to each other, and to acknowledge that their lives and their destinies are now bound together. During the Handfasting ceremony, the couple’s hands are tied together with one or several colored cords or ribbons, symbolizing the desire of the couple to be united. The cord is often kept by the couple in a box or ornate bag as a reminder of their vows. Handfastings, done in the past as a commitment for a year and a day, can be combined with ring vows and a license to make it a legally binding contract.
Each of the cord colors has its own special symbolic meaning. The cords can either be several colors twisted into one cord and used for a single cord ceremony, or each color can be draped individually up to six cords. Each cord should be at least 48″ (4 ft.) long, so the ends can all be tied together. For more than two or three colors, ribbon usually works better than cord or rope.
Here are some of the meanings attached to the colors:
In centuries gone by, handfasting was a popular custom in the British Isles. In rural areas, it could be weeks or even months before a clergyman happened to stop by your village, so couples learned to make
allowances. A handfasting was the equivalent of today’s common-law marriage — a man and woman simply clasped hands and declared themselves married. Generally this was done in the presence of a witness or witnesses. In Scotland, marriages were considered the office of the church until 1560, when marriage became a civil matter rather than a church sacrament. After that time, marriages were divided into “regular” and “irregular” marriages.
At one time, betrothal — the solemn exchange of vows of intention to marry — was as important a step as marriage itself. Some of the ceremony once common in betrothal — such as exchanging rings or a formal kiss — later became part of the marriage service as that progressively became more important.
We don’t know a lot about the rules in Anglo-Saxon England before the Norman Conquest, but the betrothal ceremony seems to have been marked by the happy couple joining hands. It seems that in Northern England and Scotland, handfasting marked a first stage of marriage, a temporary contract that lasted a year and a day. If at the end of that time no child had been born and the couple didn’t want to continue, the betrothal lapsed.
The ceremony’s name has become known again in recent decades because it has been adopted by modern Pagans such as Wiccans. The culmination of the modern ceremony often takes the form of a couple jumping together over a broom, another borrowing from ancient custom. For today’s Pagans, however, the ceremony is marriage, not betrothal. Some even have a complementary divorce rite called handparting!